Wednesday, October 04, 2006


MeDia Organations aree growing rapidly and are able to reach more and more people around the world. This means that they can reach people internationally then just nationally like they could before. Advanced telecommunications are expanding the market which allows them to merge into global culture and new media and genres are developing as part of this global culture.

New Technologies are brought out into the market which allows people to interact and communicate with people more efficently. For exaple text messenging, e-mailing and telephone. These new media is reshaping people's lives and their expectations.

As the technology continues to evolve and media organisations continie to converage, we are moving towards environment in which all our meua will be accessed via a single device, creating new froms of interactions.

Our cultural perceptions are primarily constucted by the medua, So we receive the values and ideolgies they establish. This is called Cultural Homogenisation.

Critics Argue that the current Us media domination amounts cultural imperialism because it forces Us culture on the audience. This can be seen damaging as not everything in the media is true. It all depends on how an individual peceives it.

Marshall Mcluhan, a media critic stated in the 60's that the world had become a global village. Other crtitics argue that the medias reflect and create the social and cultural world we live in because media prducers construct our views of all these global events and therefore construct our values and ideologies. Media is now an essential part of many people's everyday life.


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