Thursday, October 05, 2006

LiNks To MeDia InStiStuTioNS..

I researched deeply into Disney and i found out by looking at Harveen's blog that the instistution she focused on, Sky, was some how linked to Disney. Sky caters to many different people around the world. It has over 400 channels and Disney channel is one of them. SKy broadcasts four disney channels. Disney Channel it self, Disney Channel+1 and Disney Cinemagic. These channels are for all the disney fans. IT shows, cartoons, family sitcoms and films for everyone at 7pm.
I took a look at Dinni's blog and linked my institution to the one she did. Dinni researched on Dreamworks. Dreamsworks is a somewhat competition to Disney as they produced Shrek in 2002.Disney is well knownm for their animations and when Dreamwords produced
this it was a big outcome as it was a guhe sucess. It started in 2000 when dreamwords created a new business division Dreamworks Animation that will regurarly produce both types of animationfeature films. The traditionally animated feature films were produced by the division's Southern California branch. DreamWorks SKG acquired majority interest (90%) in PDI, reforming it into PDI/DreamWorks, the Northern California branch of its new business division


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