Wednesday, November 01, 2006

GoOglE TaKEs OvEr ChAnNeL FouR In Ad ReVeNuE...

Google will make more money from UK advertising this year than Channel 4 according to Andy Duncan, the broadcaster's chief executive.

Mr Duncan told that Google UK's ad revenues for 2006 would be around £900m, overtaking Channel 4 for the first time. The broadcaster's ad revenue for the year will be around £800m, he added.

He made the eye-opening prediction while warning that current shifts in which media advertisers were putting their money into were structural, not cyclical.

"People need to wake up and realise that this is not just a cyclical issue. There is deep structural change taking place," Mr Duncan said.

"If we want to protect the fantastic legacy of UK broadcasting, we need to wake up to this sooner rather than later."

Comparing the shift of ad revenues from traditional to digital media to global warming, Mr Duncan said broadcasters could not afford to be "in denial" about the "fundamental change" to their industry.

My COmMents...
By google taking over the channel four revenue shows that google is a growing industry and will be soon taking over other companies. Its become big and more and more people aorund the world are starting to use it. Its a good sign for google. However, big companies like channel four are at an disadvantage as they are losing out on money.


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