Thursday, November 02, 2006

WhAt Do You ThInK OF My BloG...

Hey people :) Leave your comments here.. x


Blogger Puja said...

1. I would agree with mr bush after analysing your blog i realised that all your articles are in detail.

2. "JournaLists DeaTh RaTe Highest EvEr in 2006"

i think that with each job there comes a dangerous side to it. However to risk ur life over celebrity gossip or minor news like that is plain silly! Although when i read further into the article i noticed that journalists in Iraq are in danger to. Even though the intention is to get news across to us it stil makes me think that if news was up against some ones life.. sorry but id rather not know the news! thats just my view anyway :) lol

9:45 AM  
Blogger Sawan said...

Hello Fuzz,

Your blog looks very presentable as it is well spaced and easy on the eye. Your also read indepth into your articles and analyse them well.

Very Good

The article I am going to comment on is the TV advertising junk food. I believe hat fast food advertising should not be banned because this has been going on for years, but there are other ways in, which people put on weight such as lack of sleep and having the air conditioning on or the heater to hot. Children though result in "pester power", which leaves the parent feeling sorry for them resulting in a trip to McDonalds to eat the greasy fatty Big Mac.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Sherish said...

Heyy itch face

I like your blog because it has lots of pictures that accompany the articles which is always nice to see. Also your articles are detailed and you set them out very nicely on the page.

Shall i talk about the article on the pope? Lol naaa.. Mr Bush might get on.. anyway yeh the article about junk food advertising is pretty bad because young people are easily influenced by this and anything and when they are little and see something which is supposedly "right" they will stick with it for the rest of their lives. As Sawan said it leads to pester power and most of the time what they want is what they get.

1:15 AM  
Blogger Rajan said...

Hey Fuzz,

Your blog looks really good, and has a lot of interesting and detailed articles

Im going to comment on the Junk Food Advertising issue. In my opinion, there are cases both for and against banning Junk Food ads. First, i understand about Pester Power and how easily kids are influenced by these ads, however companies like McDonalds etc, fast chains, have a business to run which has been around for decades and the govt. should not effect the way they run their ads campaigns but encourage kids through other means such as school etc to eat healthy

8:05 AM  
Blogger harveen said...


Your blog is looking good by the fact you have used lots of pictures to make it look persentable and your stories are in alot of detail.

I am going to talk about the junk food article. kids are influenced by junk food ads alot like the mcdonalds ones and are going to eat it no matter what. However i do agree with your view that there is no point in changing junk food ads as kids already know that it exists. Kids do aslo pester their parents in which the parent will eventually listen to the child.x

1:10 PM  
Blogger Dinni said...

Hey chik,

your blog is looking realy kwl, very colourful and detailed!

The article I am going to comment on is on 'TV JuNk FoOd EsCaPe CrAckDoWn...'
i personally think that exposing young children to too much junk food advertising will encourage them to want the fatty foods more. however, montioring when and where the adverts are placed would be a good idea as the companies will still get the output they need.

11:41 AM  
Blogger BusHaRa said...

eloo fuz head :)

ur blog is good cos u put effort into it and not like just do anything so that sir wont think u aint dun the h/w, so dats y its good :) lol

i believe that fast food advertising should be banned because children are jst gettin the wrong message, they gettin obbessed with this food thats bad for them and then creates problems in the futuree

9:41 AM  
Blogger Rishi said...

hey fuzz
i think all your articles are very detailed and show you spend lots of time on your work. very good!!

TV advertising junkfood
i think its wrong to advertise junk food to little kids as thy're to small to understand. macdonalds just make money from the pester power the kids use on their parents. fatty foods and fast food restaurents are one of the main reasons for obisety so by not advertising people wont go there as much.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Get Rich Or Die Trying said...

Hiya fuzz

Firstly, your blog is very nicely layed out and it's all colour co-ordinated.

Secondly, I agree with your opinion about the journalists and places making them a target for killings. I guess a job is a job but, killing someone is going to an extent. I am sure the media or companies can find another way pr have security over their journalists to ensure no danger is inflicted on them

12:21 PM  
Blogger HeavenSent..x said...

Heyy BaBy GiRL :)

Your blog looks lovelyy :D its very colourful and appropriate images have been used..and I know how much effort you put into researching the articles you have chosen to put up ;)hehe

Basically I feel like talking about the pope article lol but nah I'll talk about the junk food 1 instead.
Personally, I feel that it is wrong to advertise junk food specifically at children. This is just immorale because the companies that do blatantly know that they can use pester power to earn more money for themselves - children are too little too understand and are just manipulated by such advertising...


12:51 PM  
Blogger MOHAMMED said...

Baby G
sik blog der oh ye nd da poppppee(Y) i like ur blog cuz of da presentation and all da pics u gt nd i like readin da summary of da articles on da blog.
i like da article on TV junk food, i fink dt junk food adz should b banned cuz young people are influenced by them but still they have been around 4 tym so i dunt reli c the point of banning them instread they should focus their attention on other things such as healthy eatin at school.
koooool keep up da gud wrk. Mwaah xXx

5:36 AM  
Blogger Kavita said...


Your blog is looking really good and all your articles are interesting.

I'm going to talk about the Junk Food advertisements band. To a certain extent i think it will be a good idea because having little brothers myself, it definitely encourages pester power. This makes it hard for the parents to resist buying them fast food. But it does depend on the age of the child and the parent. But why do McDonalds for eg, feel they need to advertise more when they are such a big franchise all over the world! Therefore, i think the adverts should be banned because overall it will hopefully work to stop kids from becoming obiese.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Gurveer said...

Funty, good blog. Very detailed and interesting. Still don't understand how you got 3 credits though. Jokes.

I disagree. If children don't see any junk food on screen they won't want it. They only want whats on screen, so they can follow each other. Ther attention span is still minute, so what they don't see, they won't want.

5:18 PM  

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