Wednesday, November 22, 2006

EffeCts ThEoRy... Media Manipulates The Audience
ThE FrAnkFuRt ScHoOl.. The Frabkfurt school was concerned with the impact of the rise of the media industires on society. Their arguement was that the rise of the culture industry, resulted in increased standardisation within society. So basically, a culture produced by the media with its own ideoligies and values which are being accpeted by the passive audiences.

ThE hyPoDeRMic NeEdle MoDel This model ownes much to the supoosed power of the mass media. In particluar film- to Inject the passive audience with ideologies. This was coonly seen in Nazi propangana fils such as Triuph of the will. So whatever is seen on Tv, the passive audience will not question and believe it.

Viloence in the Media... Effects theory is most often cited as eveidence of the dangers of violence in the media. 'Morral Morality' argue that all violent scences, sex and anything offensive should be censored as it may infleunce the audience to act in a similar way.
CulTivation Theory... According to this, while a single text does not have much effect, repeated exposure will make the audience less sensitive. Critics call it becoming DeSEnSitISed..

Two StEp FloW... Two Step Flow assumes a more active audience, who will discuss media texts with each other. If the text is discussed with someone we respect then people are more likely to accept it.
WHat DO i Think..? I think that this theory of people believing whatver saying in the meida is true to an extent. Since more and more people study media and are more media literate they know whats going on around them and are more likey to turn an blind eye towards it. However, young naive children are often infleunced by what they see in the media.


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