Wednesday, November 29, 2006

UsEs AnD GraTiFiCaTiOns TheOrY...

Blulmer and KaTz

DiVerSion... This doesnt apply to me, as i dont watch soaps and dramas to escape from everyday problems. I have my own problems to worry about lol. I simply eatch Eastenders and other programmes on Trouble for pure entertainment. Its like a routine for me.

PerSonal ReLationShips... Nowadays many TV programmes are based upon the family life and what teenagers and parents have to deal with. Many programaes deal with contemporay issues such as drugs, alcohol and violence. This doesnt really aplly to me as such things dont occur in my household. Agian, i just watch this programmes for entertainment.

PeRsoNal IDenTity... When i watch films and other media texts, i can identitfy with the character and see where they are coming from. Like, i would put myself in their situation, or sometimes the characters do things that can reflect my own life. However, i would create my own identity as its all fiction and nothing is real in the cinema world.

SuRVeiLlaNce... Surveillance is probelry the only reason of why i might consume a media text from Blulmer and Kats list. I watch the news and sometimes watch the weather forecast to keep up with whats going on in the world. I also watch football results with my Dad and brother.

DeNnIS McQuail...

I watch the news to find out about relevant events or condiotions. However, i dont rely on the Tv as much. I use the internet as a primary resource to find out information more as its more effiiencent. With Television, it tends to be time consuming as you have to wait for particular things to come on.
I dont seek advice from the TV but specific progammes broaden my knowledge about partuclar things.
If there is anything particular i want to know about i just usually tend to watch the news or find out from the internet. That genreally satisfies my curiosity.

I watch TV sometimes to gain knowledge about things, such as what is going on in the world from the news. However, i simply watch TV to be entertained. You can learn new things everyday, even from soaps and dramas.

PeRsoNal IdeNtiTy...
This media consumption does not apply to me, as i dont find personal values from TV. As everything on TV is constructed in a specific way. The producers and makers of shows want particular idelogies and values to be believed in society. I got my own persoanl values that i have been taught to believe in my family and freinds and of course myself bruv. I dont really care about celebrities, to me they are just objects to be looked at. I dont identify with them because i beleive they dont live in the real world as consumers do. We watch them, they dont watch us so there is no need. But i would love to be one of them just to see how it feels :D

InTeGRaTion AnD SoCiAl InTeRaCtIon...
Gaining insight into circumstances of others is important. On channel for they tend to broadcast documentaries of unpriveleged people with illnesses. Its important to be aware of such things. I might not watch the entire show, but enought for me to know what it talks about.
Sense of belonging- like i mentioned previolsly i do not rely on the TV as i dont use television programmes as a route of escapism.
Finding a basis of conversation and social intereaction. This media consumption does apply to me, as i would talk about something that i watched on TV the night before. For example, Eastenders, big brother or a film.
Having a substitue for real life conpanionship. This does not apply to me, how can you substitute people on Tv as for real life? I find myself watching TV when i am bored.
Media texts do not help me carry out social roles and does not connect me with my family or friends.

I dont watch TV to divert myself from my problems or to escape. I only watch it to create problems when my brother wants to watch TV and i intrude by changing the channel.
I watch TV to relax sometimes on the sofa and eat :D
Like mentioned before i would watch TV to pass time if i have nothing else to do.


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