Wednesday, November 29, 2006

UsEs AnD GraTiFiCaTiOns TheOrY...

Blulmer and KaTz

DiVerSion... This doesnt apply to me, as i dont watch soaps and dramas to escape from everyday problems. I have my own problems to worry about lol. I simply eatch Eastenders and other programmes on Trouble for pure entertainment. Its like a routine for me.

PerSonal ReLationShips... Nowadays many TV programmes are based upon the family life and what teenagers and parents have to deal with. Many programaes deal with contemporay issues such as drugs, alcohol and violence. This doesnt really aplly to me as such things dont occur in my household. Agian, i just watch this programmes for entertainment.

PeRsoNal IDenTity... When i watch films and other media texts, i can identitfy with the character and see where they are coming from. Like, i would put myself in their situation, or sometimes the characters do things that can reflect my own life. However, i would create my own identity as its all fiction and nothing is real in the cinema world.

SuRVeiLlaNce... Surveillance is probelry the only reason of why i might consume a media text from Blulmer and Kats list. I watch the news and sometimes watch the weather forecast to keep up with whats going on in the world. I also watch football results with my Dad and brother.

DeNnIS McQuail...

I watch the news to find out about relevant events or condiotions. However, i dont rely on the Tv as much. I use the internet as a primary resource to find out information more as its more effiiencent. With Television, it tends to be time consuming as you have to wait for particular things to come on.
I dont seek advice from the TV but specific progammes broaden my knowledge about partuclar things.
If there is anything particular i want to know about i just usually tend to watch the news or find out from the internet. That genreally satisfies my curiosity.

I watch TV sometimes to gain knowledge about things, such as what is going on in the world from the news. However, i simply watch TV to be entertained. You can learn new things everyday, even from soaps and dramas.

PeRsoNal IdeNtiTy...
This media consumption does not apply to me, as i dont find personal values from TV. As everything on TV is constructed in a specific way. The producers and makers of shows want particular idelogies and values to be believed in society. I got my own persoanl values that i have been taught to believe in my family and freinds and of course myself bruv. I dont really care about celebrities, to me they are just objects to be looked at. I dont identify with them because i beleive they dont live in the real world as consumers do. We watch them, they dont watch us so there is no need. But i would love to be one of them just to see how it feels :D

InTeGRaTion AnD SoCiAl InTeRaCtIon...
Gaining insight into circumstances of others is important. On channel for they tend to broadcast documentaries of unpriveleged people with illnesses. Its important to be aware of such things. I might not watch the entire show, but enought for me to know what it talks about.
Sense of belonging- like i mentioned previolsly i do not rely on the TV as i dont use television programmes as a route of escapism.
Finding a basis of conversation and social intereaction. This media consumption does apply to me, as i would talk about something that i watched on TV the night before. For example, Eastenders, big brother or a film.
Having a substitue for real life conpanionship. This does not apply to me, how can you substitute people on Tv as for real life? I find myself watching TV when i am bored.
Media texts do not help me carry out social roles and does not connect me with my family or friends.

I dont watch TV to divert myself from my problems or to escape. I only watch it to create problems when my brother wants to watch TV and i intrude by changing the channel.
I watch TV to relax sometimes on the sofa and eat :D
Like mentioned before i would watch TV to pass time if i have nothing else to do.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

EffeCts ThEoRy... Media Manipulates The Audience
ThE FrAnkFuRt ScHoOl.. The Frabkfurt school was concerned with the impact of the rise of the media industires on society. Their arguement was that the rise of the culture industry, resulted in increased standardisation within society. So basically, a culture produced by the media with its own ideoligies and values which are being accpeted by the passive audiences.

ThE hyPoDeRMic NeEdle MoDel This model ownes much to the supoosed power of the mass media. In particluar film- to Inject the passive audience with ideologies. This was coonly seen in Nazi propangana fils such as Triuph of the will. So whatever is seen on Tv, the passive audience will not question and believe it.

Viloence in the Media... Effects theory is most often cited as eveidence of the dangers of violence in the media. 'Morral Morality' argue that all violent scences, sex and anything offensive should be censored as it may infleunce the audience to act in a similar way.
CulTivation Theory... According to this, while a single text does not have much effect, repeated exposure will make the audience less sensitive. Critics call it becoming DeSEnSitISed..

Two StEp FloW... Two Step Flow assumes a more active audience, who will discuss media texts with each other. If the text is discussed with someone we respect then people are more likely to accept it.
WHat DO i Think..? I think that this theory of people believing whatver saying in the meida is true to an extent. Since more and more people study media and are more media literate they know whats going on around them and are more likey to turn an blind eye towards it. However, young naive children are often infleunced by what they see in the media.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

WoMen AdVeRTs...

(ThiS adVeRt is Jokeee!) Anyways.. this advert promotes the idea of women being independant as they have their own car insurance comapany to rely on. Only women can be insured by them which shows that a partrichal society no longer exists. However, having the women singing and entertaining the audience can be seen as stereotypical as they are dressed in pin, wearing make up and dressed in provocative way.
WoMen AdVeRts...

This loreal advert uses a well known, attractive celebrity to sell theire product. (celebrity endorsement)

This advert flaunts the idea of all women being attractive and having straight, healthy hair. It promotes the idea that all women shoukd be attrative like Beyonce. Her body is fetished, they have a long shot of her at the start fo the advert to have the focus on her body, her legs and what she is wearing. This allows her to be an object of the male gaze.

By havig particular adverts like this, it promotes certain ideologies into women;s mind, that they sould be a certain way, or look a certain way to be accepted in society.
WoMen AdVeRTs..

Few seconds into the advert, the audience get the impression that the advert is aimed at men, as it has a women has been displayed in the first shot. We are forced to be constucted as a male audience. However, even though a women has been shown she is not shown in the stereotypical manner. She is rejected the stereotype of being in the kichen or doing any form of housework. Instead she seen riding a motor bike which is usually associated with strong, masculine men. The main purpose of the advert is there to advertise 'Herbal Essences' a shampoo for women. The audience of this advert would primarily be women, nevertheless the women is in the shower and then passes the shampoo to the man, which coukd possibly mean that the shampoo could be used by them.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Karl Marx argued that capiltalism based on the profit motive and that under capitalism, profits are generated by expliting workers.

Marx believed that capitalist society is divided into two two social classes
  • The working class, or proletariat, who sell their labour and do not own the means of production
  • The bourgeoisie, who own the means of production and employ the proletariat. The bourgeoisie may be further subdivided:
  • Wealthy bourgeoisie who dont need to work themselves
  • Petty bourgeoisie who emply other, but also work themselves.
Why i Am a Marxist?

The reason why i think i am a marxist is because i beleive in the capitalist society, as other people must work under more powerful people tom live their lives in society today. Someone has to be in charge in order for the society to remain civil or everything will be out of control and no rules or norms would be followed or obeyed. The rulling class have somewhat power over the media and control what people beleive in. However, its up to the public, shows how easily maipulated some audiences can be.

Pluralists view soicery as a sysytem of competing groups and interests, none of them predominant.

  • They beleive that audiences are percieved as capaable of manipulating then meda and having acess to what Halloran calls 'the plural values of soceity', enabling then to 'conform, accommodate or reject'.
  • The pluralist tradition starts from the opposite belief to the Marcists and rejects the concept of a mass culture.
  • The individual has the freedom to make choices about what texts to consume based on their perosnal preference.
  • Media is seen as a fouth estate - their role is to make sure that the public are kept informed about what is going on in the other estates - (church, goverment and legal system)
  • No hegomonic message
Why I am a Pluralist?
I agree with the fact that the media is seen as the fourth estate. It allows everyone to aware of what everyone else is up to. This allows the society to be safe however, it seen as invasion of the people's privacy. Its true, the audience is active, as everyone is being taught that individuality is important within a person. I would say that i am a bit of both since i agree with the marist theory that everything in the media is controlled by the bourgeoisie. Everything we do is controlled by people, we work for a reason to get somwhere in life. Everyone follows the same set of rules that are just expceted by powerful, authoratative people. They have the power and control to force particular ideoligies and values on the audiences. Therefore everyone is controlled by the rulling class.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

WhAt Do You ThInK OF My BloG...

Hey people :) Leave your comments here.. x

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

GoOglE TaKEs OvEr ChAnNeL FouR In Ad ReVeNuE...

Google will make more money from UK advertising this year than Channel 4 according to Andy Duncan, the broadcaster's chief executive.

Mr Duncan told that Google UK's ad revenues for 2006 would be around £900m, overtaking Channel 4 for the first time. The broadcaster's ad revenue for the year will be around £800m, he added.

He made the eye-opening prediction while warning that current shifts in which media advertisers were putting their money into were structural, not cyclical.

"People need to wake up and realise that this is not just a cyclical issue. There is deep structural change taking place," Mr Duncan said.

"If we want to protect the fantastic legacy of UK broadcasting, we need to wake up to this sooner rather than later."

Comparing the shift of ad revenues from traditional to digital media to global warming, Mr Duncan said broadcasters could not afford to be "in denial" about the "fundamental change" to their industry.

My COmMents...
By google taking over the channel four revenue shows that google is a growing industry and will be soon taking over other companies. Its become big and more and more people aorund the world are starting to use it. Its a good sign for google. However, big companies like channel four are at an disadvantage as they are losing out on money.

TV JuNk FoOd EsCaPe CrAckDoWn...

Campaigners say the failure to ban commercials before 9pm will harm the fight against obesity

Health campaigners claim new rules to be published restricting the advertising of junk food to children on television will be too weak to halt the soaring levels of obesity.

Ofcom, the broadcasting regulator, is finalising a series of recommendations, which it will present to the government, on how to limit the number of adverts seen by children for products that contain unhealthy high levels of fat, salt and sugar.

But campaign groups such as the National Heart Forum, National Children's Bureau and food lobby group Sustain hit out yesterday at Ofcom's expected decision to reject widespread calls for all junk food commercials to be banned before the 9pm children's viewing 'watershed'.

'We are expecting a set of proposals that don't go far enough to tackle the crisis that we have in children's diet and reduce diet-related ill-health, such as obesity,' said Richard Watts of Sustain. 'We expect their advice to ministers to be disappointing and too weak to help play a part in solving these problems.'

Campaigners said implementing a ban on ads before 9pm, a move Ofcom has previously described as 'disproportionate', would be the single most meaningful route to help cut consumption of sweets, fast-food and fizzy drinks by the under-10s. Ofcom found that a ban would cost ITV, Channel 4 and Five about £100m a year in lost advertising and did not command widespread public support.

The regulator has already announced plans to stop celebrities being used to advertise junk food during shows that are likely to attract younger viewers, a move that would prevent ads showing Beyonce promoting Pepsi and Gary Lineker doing the same for Walkers Crisps for example.

The Food and Drink Federation, which represents food manufacturers, has proposed a series of voluntary restrictions in an attempt to head off more stringent action, including an end to cartoon characters, celebrities and movie characters, or collectable gifts such as small toys, being used in adverts aimed at children. Food and drink commercials would be cut back to 30 seconds an hour all day on specialist children's channels such as GMTV Kids, the FDF added.

Government sources say Ofcom's proposals are one element of a wider strategy to limit the promotion of junk food and that a new voluntary code of conduct covering packaging, billboards and in-store advertisements will soon be forthcoming to complement efforts across Whitehall to end the increase in childhood obesity.

My CoMmEnTs...
I believe that there is no reason for the off com to introduce this banning. Fast food has been on televison adverts for so many years. Children are aware of these foods existing. So even if you advertise them or not.. they still will crave for burgers, chips and other fatty foods that arent good for them. Maybe it will stop encouraging them to eat them but iniatially its the parents who purchase the food for them and not them. ITs up to the parents and not the advertisers.